If you’re a professional installer who works on residential wastewater systems, you’ve likely received emergency calls about clogged ejector pumps. The reasons for clogs can be varied – from outdated or malfunctioning equipment to increased system demand. It’s up to the installer to recommend a solution that not only resolves the immediate situation – but also prevents it from happening again. In many cases, the solution can be a grinder pump.
Sewage pumps are great for standard residential sewage applications, but today’s high-demand households are often using more flushable products than ever before. If you're encountering issues like clogging or premature system failure, upgrading to a grinder pump can help homeowners benefit in several ways:
In addition, grinder pumps can be more environmentally friendly since they reduce the likelihood of sewage backups and overflows that can contaminate water sources and cause ecological damage.
Switching from a sewage ejector to a grinder pump also means evaluating the infrastructure that’s already in place and selecting a grinder pump that will get the job done. Pump installers will want to consider:
The choice between a sewage ejector and a grinder pump should be based on factors such as the volume and nature of sewage, the potential for clogging, the required pumping capacity, and budget considerations. Both types of pumps have their advantages and are suitable for different situations: Sewage ejectors are ideal for standard residential applications with lower-pressure sewage systems and minimal solid waste. They are typically less expensive and simpler to install than grinder pumps, while grinder pumps offer increased durability and reliability in challenging sewage conditions. Grinder pumps are suitable for applications where there is a higher risk of clogging due to solid waste or when handling tougher materials like flushable wipes or fibrous materials.
These factors play a crucial role in determining the suitability and efficiency of the pump for the specific application. Proper assessment of these variables ensures optimal performance and longevity of the pumping system.
Franklin Electric is a global leader in the production and marketing of systems and components for the movement of water and energy. Recognized as a technical leader in its products and services, Franklin Electric serves customers worldwide in residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, municipal, and fueling applications. Franklin Electric is proud to be recognized in Newsweek’s lists of America’s Most Responsible Companies and Most Trustworthy Companies for 2024, Best Places to Work in Indiana 2024, and America’s Climate Leaders 2024 by USA Today.